Adding Value to the Industry Leaders

MC Dermott
CDI Engineering
MC Dermott
CDI Engineering

Solution for KEC's Projects

RUDY understands KEC's Bid Evaluation Challenges and addresses them with Digital Transformation of your current workflow
Data Extraction Accurately Extracts Data

RUDY guarantees up to 97% accuracy in extracting data from multiple formats.

Data Protection Data Protection

With SOC 2 Type 2 compliance, the data in RUDY is safe and secured (You own all data).

Multiple File Formats Accepts Multiple File Formats

RUDY can consume any kind of document, agnostic to the type of template or type of format.

Multiple Vendor Comparison Multiple Vendor Comparison

RUDY can quickly tabulate the data and compare bids between multiple vendors.

Improved Data Quality Improved Data Quality

RUDY improves data quality by focusing on missing data, directly avoiding the possibility of project overruns.

AI Innovation AI Innovation

Be the pioneer in the EPC space by bringing an AI solution as a ground-breaking innovation to your clients.

RUDY can be implemented to automate Bid Evaluation, in multiple projects, in any domain of KEC's expertise!

EPC projects in Power transmission
EPC projects on Power Transmission & Distribution focused on design, manufacture, test, supply, and building of transmission lines on a turnkey basis.
EPC projects in solar

EPC solar projects for large solar PV projects for industrial & commercial consumers

EPC projects in oil and gas pipelines

EPC projects focused on the construction of Oil and Gas cross-country pipelines globally.

EPC projects for Infrastructure

EPC civil and urban infrastructure projects focused on constructing factories, warehouses, residential buildings, railway stations, metros, and sewage and water treatment plants.

Railway EPC Projects

EPC Railway projects offering complete turnkey solutions.

EPC Projects in Urban Infrastructure

Smart EPC infrastructure projects implementing technologies and maintaining large projects that include railways, solar, and civil infrastructure.

Connect today to learn more about RUDY and how RUDY as a micro-AI solution can assist an AMAZING EPC ENGINEER LIKE YOU!

Inter Company Collaboration
Instead of creating technical queries in Excel spreadsheets, engineers & buyers can create them within the system by attribute. RUDY's collaboration suite will capture the discussion time-line and decisions made.
Analytics & Dashboard

RUDY provides user based dashboards & offers analytics by item, supplier & project. With modern API based architecture, any data in RUDY can be fed into your corporate analytics data warehouses. You own all data in RUDY.

Knowledge Management

RUDY will become your single system of record with all requirements, offers, technical queries, collaboration timeline, supplier scorecard & relevant eta-data per item bid tab. Engineers can search, analyze & refer to this information for future projects

Bid Evaluation

Engineers can upload material requisitions and supplier technical responses. Rudy will compare them to highlight discrepancies.